In a nutshell, reincarnation is the idea that we have so much to learn here on the earth plane that we could not possibly do it in just one lifetime. So we keep coming back, incarnating again and again, until we have achieved that perfect physical, mental and spiritual balance we are all striving for (whether we consciously know it or not). - Betty Bethards, "Techniques for Health & Wholeness"
Our negative emotions show us the very things we need to work on. Fear is the primary negative emotion, all others stemming from it. The basic lesson with fear is that we must face what we fear.
- Betty Bethards, "Be Your Own Guru"
Whatever our circumstances, we created them. We didn't choose them in order to suffer. We chose them to learn how to and how not to relate to our life situations. Unfortunately, many people who are raised with a dysfunctional parent turn around and enact the same behavior patterns when they're an adult, rather than learn from example that these negative patterns are self destructive. In identifying the patterns, we can release them and create new patterns of self-worth.- Betty Bethards, "Seven Steps To Developing Your Intuitive Powers"
The purpose of meditation is to "Know Thyself". Meditation allows you to develop an inner peace and serenity - to become free of frustration and anxiety and to find clearer direction for your life. Meditation can, and does, change your life because it changes you. Your 20 minute daily meditation will be like an "energy recharge". In the inner stillness of your own being you will realize the direction for your life, gain understanding of yourself and learn the meaning of Love. (compiled from Betty's book, "Way To Awareness, A Meditation Technique")