Wednesday, July 30, 2014

A dozen years later

It is an obvious observation that over time the impact of someone who has died will diminish. We all tend to move on, with nature and time filling in the hole left by that death. This is certainly true with Betty. When attending her talks, the room was always charged with energy and filled with potential. I have been in the same room with other spiritual leaders, including noted Buddhist teachers Thich Nhat Hahn and His Holiness The 14th Dalai Lama. Both brought very different types of energy to the space. Neither had the "tingling finger-tips" sort of energy that was often present with Betty. Even when meditating with His Holiness, it was a different experience than meditating with Betty. Her energy often overtook the space.

While I can no longer remember both of the start dates of the two growing seasons Betty always talked about (leave a comment or email me if you do), I can still see her standing in front of a room filled with people holding out her coat hanger to demonstrate energy.  And while I may not remember the specifics of many of the stories and lessons she spoke of, I clearly remember her call to meditate for 20 minutes ever day while listening to "your favorite music".  And while I cannot recall many of her channeled messages, I can remember her demonstrating the presence of energy by having the people in the room hold up their hands in the air as she "fluffed" us and sent out energy from the podium.

Even as the impact of Betty on the lives of those she taught fades, the lessons she gave live on in her many books.  I have most of them, and look at The Dream Book from time to time. I have to confess that with the proliferation of spiritual gurus over the last decade or so that I forget to go back to where it began for me and look at the teachings of Betty Bethards.

So in remembering Betty on this 12 year anniversary of her death on July 30th 2002, it seems appropriate to recall the most fundamental of her teachings - how important meditation was to her and to us all.

Meditation allows you to develop an inner peace and serenity - to become free of frustration and anxiety and to find clearer direction for your life. Meditation can, and does, change your life because it changes you. Your 20 minute daily meditation will be like an "energy recharge". In the inner stillness of your own being you will realize the direction for your life, gain understanding of yourself and learn the meaning of Love. (compiled from Betty's book, "Way To Awareness, A Meditation Technique")

Thank you, Betty.

Peace, shalom, and every blessing.

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